Did Someone Say Donuts? Medicare Part D Coverage Gap

The Medicare Part D Coverage Gap – commonly referred to as the “Donut Hole” is one of the most commonly misunderstood features of a persons Medicare prescription drug plan. This often leads to unnecessary fear and concern.
Advance Premium Tax Credit – What is it and how do I get it?

The APTC, or Advance Premium Tax Credit, was part of the Affordable Care Act which went into effect in 2014. It is a tax credit you receive in advance throughout the year that goes directly toward lowering your monthly health insurance premium.
Medicare Advantage vs Medicare Supplement

People often have decision paralysis when it comes to deciding on a Medicare plan, and the important thing to remember is that they are both great options! You don’t really have a bad choice.
Starting Medicare – Who? When? How?

Starting Medicare can be a confusing and frustrating process for a lot of people. Our agency has been helping people with this process for over a decade and this article has answered some of the most common questions we have received over the years.